In questa pagina trovate tutte le informazioni su Hotel Bussola a Capri. Con potete prenotare il vostro ostello o alloggio economico al miglior prezzo. Leggete la descrizione dell’ostello Hotel Bussola con i servizi offerti, le foto, la mappa per sapere come arrivare all’hotel Hotel Bussola i prezzi e le recensioni e i commenti sull’Hotel Bussola lasciati dai precedenti clienti. Fate la vostra prenotazione con la carta di credito antipando solo il 10 per cento dell’importo totale, è veloce, facile e sicuro! Al termine della prenotazione vi saranno mostrati anche il numero di telefono del Hotel Bussola e l’email e riceverete sempre via mail conferma della prenotazione con un promemoria. Stampate la prenotazione e presentate il foglio alla reception, loro avranno già i vostri dati e dovrete solamente iniziare la vostra vacanza a Capri!
Special spring!!Book a night in our hotel, for all spring if you decide once you are here to extend your stay we offer the 10% discountSee our last minute special rate !!Hotel bussola a charming and elegant 3 star hotel located just few minutes from the center of the town and very close to the bus stop to reach the beach and the famouse Grotta Azzurra and all major attraction of the island.Rooms are all ensuite, with private facility and all comfort, as tv sat , safe box, hairdryer, telephone, air conditioning, French balcony and some with private terrace overlooking the sea.At disposal of the guest a large common terrace solarium overlooking the mountain and the sea It will be your perfect place to spend your holiday in a very nice and welcoming place that will be your home away far from home.Run by Rita and Cristiano who have such an amazing spirit and a wonderful personality to make everyone smile and make your holiday on the island just a memorable one.They will help you to navigate around the island with all information about things to do and see.On request they can organize tour around the island by private boat, renting a scooter, or reserve dinner in one of the best restaurant where guest of Bussola have a special price.Just book and stay at Hotel Bussola and you will be sure to enjoy your stay In case you wish the shuttle service from the port to the hotel just call before your departure At the time of your booking we need the credit card information that will be use just to hold down the reservation