YHA London Holland Park in London

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YHA London Holland Park Holland Walk London

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Photos Hostel YHA London Holland Park
Book this Hostel YHA London Holland Park From USD25.57   EUR19.65   GBP16.00  
About the hostel

In this page you can find all the information about the hostel YHA London Holland Park of London. With Viamundis.com you can reserve your hostel or cheap accommodation at the best possible price. See the description of the hostel YHA London Holland Park with the facilities offered, photos, map with directions on how to get to the hostel YHA London Holland Park, prices, reviews and comments on the hostel YHA London Holland Park. Make your reservation with a credit card, anticipating only a 10 per cent of the total amount to secure the booking. At the end of the booking you will get the phone number and the email address of hostel YHA London Holland Park. Also by email you will receive the booking number confirmation with a reminder. Print your reservation and show it at the reception of the hostel on your arrival’s day; the hostel have already the data details of the guests and you just have to start your holiday in London!

Steeped in history, this hostel is partly a former Jacobean mansion, built in 1607 with links to many famous people. It now offers large, comfortable rooms that overlook the park and the large garden. Within walking distance of many museums and great places to visit around London, you can get a real taste for big city life. Historic, Jacobean splendour, in a great city location. Who says you can't have it all? This mansion in the middle of Holland Park was visited by Sir Walter Scott, Lord Byron and Dickens. Today it offers large, comfortable rooms to you. It's just 5 minutes walk from Kensington High Street and the Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Palace and the main museums are nearby. Our restaurant opens onto private gardens and an ornamental pond; the perfect setting for an evening meal. Please note, we do not charge an additional temporary membership fee. Discounts are not available for members of YHA (England & Wales) or IYHF as part of this booking

Reviews 74 %
AddressYHA London Holland Park - Holland Walk   Kensington, W8 7QU,  ,  London,  ,  England  
Restaurant Internet Access Laundry Linen Included
Credit Cards Accepted Towels Security Lockers Luggage Storage
24 hour reception Key Card Access Common Room Breakfast Not Included
24 Hour Check In Meeting Facilities


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